So I heard the most remarkable thing the other day. There is an app being developed in
Japan apparently, that tells you exactly how many calories and fat content are in your meal before you commit to a months worth of calories in one plate! All you have to do is take a photo of your meal with your phone and it calculates how healthy it is, making it possible to make the right choices…. or not, if you are just craving good old comfort food.
Amazing…..mind boggling you might even say! It does make you wonder however, where the world is heading and whether we will have to make any decisions at all in the years to come.
With so many wacky apps out there, like the app that just tells you jokes about chuck Norris or quotes from the family guy or even an app that just throws out 50 different cat meows, why ever do we not have an app for summer camps? Should there be an app that tells you which camp you should choose and which one suits your personality? True, it would be so much easier than trawling the internet through hundreds of choices when all you have to do is type in your interests, your likes ,dislikes, how long you want to go for and possible location preference, press a button and there you have it! Simple,
camp selected!
But seriously, if life was that simple and choices were that easy then the possibility of spontaneity would slowly and surely be eliminated, till we become a nation unable to think for ourselves. After all, choosing the perfect camp out there is not always necessarily about the activities but about the friendships. Connecting with like- minded individuals and the opportunity to learn new things from a variety of new people is equally important when making that decision. It’s good to be spontaneous sometimes and we have always prided ourselves on the fact that
Long Lake is mainly about choices. An opportunity to be independent, to have a guitar lesson one day and ride the rapids the next. If we told our kids what to do every minute of the day then we would be stifling the very thing that make our kids so wonderful: the ability to be creative.
However, important as that is some kids still need to be guided and that is a good thing. Rather than there being ‘an App for that’ we consistently remain true to that age old favorite, human connection. Helping them to make the right choices and steer them in the right direction will always be an integral part of
Long lake, although having an app that said’ Follow your dreams here’, in every language possible, would be quite useful.